Monday we are celebrating our final home Volleyball game with a PINK-OUT day! Pre-K - 12th grade students can come dressed in all pink everything - accessories included! Cost is $1.00 and we will be donating the proceeds to Mary Bird Perkins. Pink shirts will be available for purchase in the gym on Friday. There is a limited supply of pink shirts ($5-$15). The game is at 4pm vs South Lafourche at the Thibodaux Wellness Center. HCS students get in FREE!
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
pink out
All 6th - 8th girls interested in playin junior high soccer for HCS this school year and have not signed up yet, please contact Sunny Downer by Friday @ Blessings
over 3 years ago, Jimmy Champagne
This week…
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
this week at Houma christian
This week also brought back our favorite end-of-the-week gathering…. Chapel! High school and elementary students were able to gather and worship as a school family! Praise God!
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
elementary chapel
high school
What an AMAZING first week back on our campus! Students were welcomed on Monday with snack bags and Wednesday they were treated to free sugar cookies. We are so thankful to be back together again.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
welcome back
welcome back
free cookies
Elementary Students - Red Ribbon Week is at the end of this month! It's not too early to begin planning your outfits! Our school dress code must be followed and appropriate attire is required at all times.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
red ribbon week
All unsold spirit cards are due by next Friday, October 15th. Thanks
over 3 years ago, Jimmy Champagne
HCS is currently having boys junior high soccer signups. Any boy in grades 5-8 interested in playing soccer for HCS this year and did not sign up yet, should call Dustin Spiers at 985-804-5975.
over 3 years ago, Jimmy Champagne
This week in athletics...
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
this week in athletics
Reminder! Please adhere to the updated arrival and dismissal times that begin tomorrow. Do not arrive early for dismissal, as this will cause traffic issues on campus.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
additional minutes
Welcome Back Warriors! This week at Houma Christian....
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
this week
OVERVIEW & PURPOSE: Houma Christian School will be reopening to all students on Monday, October 4th. We are excited to have our students and staff back on campus. COVID Mandates: Louisiana is still under an extended mask mandate by Governor John Bel Edwards. HCS will continue the same mask policy as before Hurricane Ida. All students (except those with mask exemptions) are required to wear a mask indoors when in close contact to other students or staff (six feet or closer). State Superintendent Cade Brumley did offer schools and school districts a parent option to the mandatory close contact quarantine policy. HCS will offer this option. All students who test positive for Covid still need to isolate at home for 10 full days and are no longer contagious, but those students who are close contacts are no longer mandated to quarantine. If the close contact does not have any symptoms (headache, dry repetitive cough, fever of 100.4 or greater, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, etc) , the parent can opt to send their child back to school the following school day with a signed close contact notification letter. HCS does encourage parents to have their child tested for Covid if they are a close contact. Parents of close contacts will be notified by the school nurse with a letter to be sent home and signed. Houma Christian School will follow the new parent option as long as the Covid cases continue to trend downward and there are not steep increases in cases.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
Reminder: The revised calendar including makeup days &additional minutes are posted on both the website and app. Also, tonight at 11pm is the deadline for ordering lunch for next week.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
additional minutes
We are so excited to announce that our first HCS spirit day will be Friday the 8th! The entire student body is welcomed to participate. The theme is SPORTS (see the flyer for all the details). On Saturday Oct 9th our varsity football team will be playing at Thomas Jefferson at 2pm.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
sports day
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
If you are in need of uniforms or spirit shirts due to Hurricane Ida - we still have items for FREE in the gym - you may also drop off HCS items for others today between 1-3pm.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
free uniforms
We are excited to announce that our Homecoming Social is rescheduled for December 18th. More details will be coming soon.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
Students who checked out a Chromebook should return them to the school office this week between 8am-3pm. If you can not make it during this time frame, you should return the Chromebook on Monday October 4th. Contact Mrs. Jessica DiSalvo if you have any questions or concerns.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
FREE FREE FREE - uniforms and spirit shirts! Every day this week from 1-3pm! If you can not make it during this time frame please email & we will shop for you! If you have HCS items to donate, you may bring them between 1-3pm also. We are set up inside the gym!
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
spirit shirts
Great news! Houma Christian School will reopen on Monday, October 4th for all students and staff for all-day instruction. Our staff is excited to welcome back all our awesome students to school. We were notified today that the material to repair the metal roofs will arrive in approximately 10 – 14 days. There may be a possibility that the students will have virtual learning for two days in late October to allow the contractors to complete the roofs. We will keep everyone updated as we get exact dates. All students may wear a HCS spirit shirt and approved jeans through December. Students may also wear regular school uniforms if they prefer. Please check the Warrior Day dress code guidelines in the HCS Student Handbook. Updated modified school calendar will be released later this week to reflect the make-up days.
over 3 years ago, Houma Christian School
it’s official