Thank you for your interest in Houma Christian School. It is a pleasure to offer you all information possible to aid you in making a very important decision about your child’s future. Hopefully, after reading the information below you will be able to understand our school’s philosophy, curriculum, vision, and facilities. Houma Christian School is approved through the State of Louisiana Department of Education. In 2020 we achieved our Accreditation through the Cognia Global Commission. We were established in 1985, and the 2025-2026 school session will mark our 40th year of operation. Instruction covers K4 through 12th grades in a traditional classroom setting. The staff is made up of well-educated, caring individuals who feel a call to education on their lives by God. The curriculum is Christ-centered and includes various publishers such as A Beka and Bob Jones University Press. We are very pleased with the results in our school concerning the positive attitudes and academic achievement of our students, and we invite you to visit our school by making an appointment with the school office.


We are no longer accepting applications for PreK, K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades for the 2025-2026 school year.

**8th and 9th grade applications are only being accepted for our Blended Academy. (Traditional classes are full for the 25-26 school year.)